
Friday, January 25, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Well, the cat is out of the bag! We've been sitting on some big news for a little while and now that we've announced it on Facebook to the general populous I can shed some light on the details. Bryan and I are in the process of buying our first house and we're not just buying, we're building! This past summer we spent Sunday afternoons driving through neighborhoods and dreaming of the day we could buy a house and all that we could do with it. We didn't think it would happen for a little while longer but things just seemed to work out. We're glad to be getting in when the market is good for buyers. We didn't really consider building for our first home-- the idea seemed unaffordable and grandiose. Then we came across CBH Homes, Idaho's largest home builder. What they do is have you choose one of their communities and a lot within that community. Then you choose a floor plan from their selection and then you go to their Design Studio and customize your house. We had already met with a lender and decided between ourselves how much house we could afford and in this case the cost to build this house was pretty much the same as the cost of a similar preexisting house. Anyway, the logistics are pretty boring but somewhere around the end of April or early May, we're going to be homeowners! The floor plan is a two story, 4 bed, 2.5 bath that we hope to grow in to. We walked through a lot of floor plans but we fell in love with this one. The community is very nice and has a nice open area for sports, picnics, or what have you. It also has a pool, basketball court and playground. We just barely got done customizing our house and we're very excited for them to get started! They haven't broken ground yet due to freezing cold weather but they are going to in the next couple weeks. It feels like a very grown up thing to become a homeowner. Aren't I just like nineteen...? I guess you always just feel like you no matter how old you are. Anyway, life is good.


  1. It is crazy to realize my little sister is getting her own house! We are very happy for you guys and excited to visit you sometime too.

  2. Congratulations!!! How exciting! Hope things are coming along nicely for you!
